Check out the new features available in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.42. We regularly improve your app experience so you can communicate to the fullest.

New features for all AAC apps

Compatibility with Mac

If you’re a Mac user with an Apple Silicon Processor, you can now download your AAC app to your computer at no extra cost with the 2.42 update. This allows you to have access to many of the app features on your Mac laptop or desktop. Your computer app is going to talk (except for FaceTime calls) and you can copy AAC vocabulary files between your iOS devices. Transfer files in the same manner as you have previously between iPads. Remember to save your vocabulary files with different names as vocab files are not synced across devices.

Having access to your AAC app on your Mac computer may also be helpful if you don’t have access to Chat Editor software, but it’s not intended to be a replacement for it.

How to download: Go to the App Store on your Mac and download the app in the same way you would on an iPad or iPhone. You’ll use the same Apple ID and password on both devices. The interface on your Mac will look the same as what’s on your iOS device.

Note: Head tracking and eye tracking features will not be displayed on your Mac computer as the hardware will not be present.

"Forget Account" button added for Realize Language

We hope you’re benefiting from Realize Language – an online service from Liberator that gives parents and professionals powerful ways to monitor, measure, and maximize use of AAC speech devices and apps. With the 2.42 update, your iOS app now has a button action available to “forget account” so you can switch between accounts and best track AAC use for each individual.

New feature for TouchChat

Chat Editor now recognizes PCS purchase

If you have chosen to purchase PCS symbols in addition to SymbolStix for your TouchChat app, they will now appear in your Chat Editor so you can create low-tech activities that mirror your device.

Vocabulary Updates for 2.42

Within WordPower® 60-location and higher vocabulary files on TouchChat, you will now have access to the new movable cursor. Essence 60 & 84 vocabulary files within Dialogue AAC will also include these new button actions.

Don't forget our TouchChat and Dialogue apps are 50% off in the app store from 3rd May 2023 - 9th May 2023 (Terms and conditions apply)