June - Fathers Day

Activity: Cress Head Dad

Fathers Day is around the corner so why not celebrate Dad by creating a cress-head egg in his honour whilst modelling some awesome language.
Of course here at Liberator we realise Father figures can come in all forms and this activity can easily be made for anyone special you want to celebrate on the day.
Happy growing!

Cress Head Dad

Lesson Plan - Simple to follow Lesson plan to help you teach high frequency core words which can be used for multiple meanings and retain impact when used at a single word level and simple two and three-word phrases

LAMP Words for Life - Smart Chart 

WordPower 60 SS - Smart Chart

easyChat 60 Widgit - Smart Chart


June - Pride Month

Pride Month

Activity: Rainbow handprints

This month we’re celebrating Pride with this rainbow hand print activity!

Lesson Plan - Simple to follow Lesson plan to help you teach high frequency core words which can be used for multiple meanings and retain impact when used at a single word level and simple two and three-word phrases.

LAMP Words for life - Smart Chart

WordPower 60 PCS - Smart Chart

easyChat 60 Widgit - Smart Chart