The safety of our customers and staff is our number one priority during these difficult times. As previously communicated we shifted our support to virtual back in March which has been a great success in ensuring our key activities of assessment and support continued without interruption. This was and continues to be achieved through the use of various solutions such as GoToMeeting, Zoom, Skype, Whatsapp, GoogleMeets, Microsoft Teams and of course telephone and email. Whilst this 'new way' of working has proved extremely successful and indeed has delivered a number of positive benefits for some clients over our more traditional ways of supporting, obviously in some situations, a face to face meeting is the only effective method. For this reason, from 1st September we restarted face to face visits where virtual support isn't an option. We have introduced robust protocols to assess if such a meeting can take place and how it such take place. I'm delighted to report that whilst these face-to-face meetings are certainly different to what they were previously, they have worked very effectively.  Our face to face focus is providing support to clients whose care and clinical support teams have requested our direct support. This is to further ensure that the meeting is appropriate and has been properly assessed. We expect that the majority of the support we provide will continue to be delivered virtually over the coming months, but where face to face is needed, please be assured that this is being done as it is the only appropriate method, and the opportunity for virtual support has been fully explored. Please also be assured that any face-to-face meetings will be conducted in the safest possible way by Liberator staff who are fully trained and prepared and will use PPE in accordance with NHS guidelines. In addition to the real-time support that our team provide via the virtual tools, we have spent a significant amount of time over the last few months updating our online support videos available on our YouTube channel: Feedback on these has been fantastic so I would recommend visiting this channel and subscribing to be kept informed of new videos posted. If you have any questions regarding the measures we are taking to keep you safe, please contact, Ian Thompson Managing Director Tel: 07900 376274 Email: